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End tax breaks for big corporations

By Ladelle McWhorter

Capitol End Corporate WelfareOur friends at Americans for Tax Fairness recently sent out an email to let us know that Congress is negotiating a huge package of mostly corporate tax breaks that have expired—basically, Congress wants to make sure big corporations get tax breaks while wage gaps between the poor and rich increase and working people spend more tax dollars on corporate welfare.

Congress plans to vote on these credits in the coming days. While Congress considers giving big breaks to corporations, some of which stash their profits offshore in tax havens, they have yet to extend the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) or Child Tax Credit. These credits help families support themselves and keep them out of deep poverty.

Will you click here to tell your Member of Congress to reject corporate tax breaks and focus on making pro-work, pro-family solutions like the EITC and Child Tax Credit permanent?

If corporate lobbyists get their way and Congress favors them over families, 16 million people—including about 8 million children—will be pushed into poverty or deeper into poverty. This is unacceptable.

Tell Congress we need them to side with families over corporations!

Thank you for taking action for a more just and fair economy for all.


Del McWhorter

End tax breaks for big corporations Reviewed by on . Our friends at Americans for Tax Fairness recently sent out an email to let us know that Congress is negotiating a huge package of mostly corporate tax breaks t Our friends at Americans for Tax Fairness recently sent out an email to let us know that Congress is negotiating a huge package of mostly corporate tax breaks t Rating: 0
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